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Table 1 Changes in expression of genes affected by experimental treatments

From: Probiotic lactobacillus and estrogen effects on vaginal epithelial gene expression responses to Candida albicans


Fold changes in mRNA expressionvs. control

Gene mRNA/Function



Ca + E2


Ca + E2 + Pb

ELK1/Inflammatory transcription factor

+ 2.49

- 3.06

+ 1.59

- 4.46

+ 1.09

Iκκα/Induces NF-κB nuclear translocation

+ 1.68

- 1.70

+ 1.09

- 2.68

- 3.04

IL-1α/Inflammatory cytokine

- 1.64

- 2.46

- 1.39

+ 2.93

+ 3.77

IL-1β/Inflammatory cytokine

+ 1.86

+ 4.45

+ 1.64


+ 3.80

IL-6/Inflammatory cytokine

+ 2.36

- 1.74

+ 1.16

- 1.35

- 1.01

IL-8/Inflammatory cytokine

+ 1.24

- 3.99

+ 2.59

+ 10.70

- 1.02

TLR2/Inflammatory receptor for microbes

+ 1.10

- 1.39

- 2.33

- 1.22

- 3.37

TLR6/Inflammatory receptor for microbes

- 1.09

- 5.64

- 1.93

- 2.94

- 5.08

TNFα/Inflammatory cytokine

+ 1.85

- 9.32

+ 1.37

- 5.78

- 6.78

  1. Fold changes in mRNA expression were derived from the average values of real-time PCR threshold concentrations (n = 6, P < 0.05 by t-test) for each gene of interest compared to housekeeping genes. Abbreviations: (Ca) C. albicans, (E2) 17β-estradiol, (Pb) probiotic lactobacilli, an equal mixture of L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14.