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Fig. 2 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 2

From: Engineered EVs with pathogen proteins: promising vaccine alternatives to LNP-mRNA vaccines

Fig. 2

Endocytosis of LNP-mRNAs / EV-proteins for immune interaction. A Most of the internalized LNP-mRNAs will be shuttled to the lysosome and a small fraction will escape from the endosomes to release mRNA for protein translation. Some of the newly translated proteins could undergo degradation by the proteasome for MHC class I antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells Others could be displayed on the cell surface or secreted into the extracellular space. B The membrane-bound or secreted proteins when endocytosed by APCs will be processed in the lysosomes for MHC class II antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. C Most of the internalized EV-proteins will be shuttled to the lysosome and a small fraction will escape from the endosomes to release protein for degradation by the proteasome and MHC class I antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells. D When EV-proteins are endocytosed by APCs, the poor endosomal escape enhances lysosomal processing of the proteins and facilitates MHC class II antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. ER endoplasmic reticulum, TCR T cell receptor, APC antigen-presenting cell

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