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Table 3 I/R-induced hemodynamic changes in age-matched control, diabetic (DM), and insulin-treated diabetic (DMI) rats measured by Millar pressure-volume conductance catheter system.

From: Impairment of insulin-stimulated Akt/GLUT4 signaling is associated with cardiac contractile dysfunction and aggravates I/R injury in STZ-diabetic Rats


Control (n = 7)

DM (n = 9)

DMI (n = 8)

Heart rate (bpm)

366 ± 12

263 ± 12*(P < 0.001)

299 ± 12

End-systolic volume (μL)

253 ± 42

233 ± 35

219 ± 37

End-diastolic volume (μL)

311 ± 45

286 ± 32

279 ± 39

Maximum pressure (mmHg)

90 ± 3

71 ± 4.4*(P < 0.01)

75 ± 4.4

Minimum pressure (mmHg)

2.54 ± 0.46

1.74 ± 0.4

2.86 ± 1.86

End-systolic pressure (mmHg)

87 ± 2.9

66 ± 4.9*(P < 0.01)

70 ± 3.9

End-diastolic pressure (mmHg)

6.98 ± 0.92

4.9 ± 0.41*(P < 0.05)

6.76 ± 2.02

Stroke volume (μL)

94 ± 13

84 ± 9.2

92 ± 9.3

Ejection fraction (%)

30.8 ± 4.53

31.3 ± 4.44

33.4 ± 3.95

Cardiac output (μL/min)

33,914 ± 4,240

22,504 ± 3,263*(P < 0.05)

27,342 ± 2,848

Stroke work (mmHg*μL)

5,501 ± 914

4,031 ± 601

4,640 ± 720

Arterial elastance (mmHg/μL)

1.04 ± 0.15

0.9 ± 0.17

0.82 ± 0.07

End-systolic elastance (mmHg/μL)

0.893 ± 0.179

0.484 ± 0.071*(P < 0.05)

0.822 ± 0.166

dPdt max (mmHg/sec)

4,956 ± 292

3,738 ± 298*(P < 0.05)

4,523 ± 639

dPdt min (mmHg/sec)

-3,944 ± 279

-3,002 ± 414

-3,054 ± 303

P@dPdt max (mmHg)

49.53 ± 3.25

39.19 ± 2.93

42.91 ± 4.54

Tau_w (msec)

11.44 ± 0.86

16.71 ± 1.29*(P < 0.1)

13.51 ± 1.45

Tau_g (msec)

14.73 ± 1.65

24.07 ± 0.92*(P < 0.05)

16.62 ± 0.71†(P < 0.05)

  1. Data are expressed as means ± SEM (*, vs. control; †, vs. DM). DM, STZ-diabetes; DMI, insulin-treated diabetes.