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Table 1 Effects of Respiratory Inhibitors on ROS Levels in HT-22 Cells

From: The specificity of neuroprotection by antioxidants

Respiratory inhibitors

Site of action

ROS level (% of control)



Amytal, 100 μM

Complex I

83 ± 10*

92 ± 3

Rotenone, 2 μM

Complex I

129 ± 7*

167 ± 27*

Piercidin A, 1 μM

Complex I

213 ± 40*

221 ± 35*

TTFA, 100 μM

Complex II

146 ± 20*

133 ± 14*

Antimycin A, 2 μM

Complex III

125 ± 10*

123 ± 6*

Stigmatellin, 1 μM

Complex III

111 ± 5

124 ± 6*

Myxothiazol, 1 μM

Complex III and I

172 ± 30*

523 ± 50*

NaN3, 5 mM

Complex IV

99 ± 5

95 ± 5

Oligomycin, 10 μg/ml

ATP synthase

904 ± 180*

360 ± 30*

FCCP, 5 μM

H+ ionophore

137 ± 6*

123 ± 6*

DPI, 1 μM

Flavin protein

150 ± 14*

171 ± 18*

  1. HT-22 cells were treated with the respiratory inhibitors at the indicated concentrations for 2 hr at 37°C. Cellular ROS levels were determined with CM-H2DCFDA and MitoSOX red as described in the methods section. DCF: dichlorofluorescein. *: Significantly different from control by ANOVA (P < 0.05).