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Figure 3 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Figure 3

From: Excessive Dpp signaling induces cardial apoptosis through dTAK1 and dJNK during late embryogenesis of Drosophila

Figure 3

Ectodermal raw is sufficient for the normal development of Drosophila. (A-D, F, G) Cuticular phenotype. (A) Wild type (WT). (B) raw1. (C) UAS-raw; raw1/69B-gal4; raw1. (D) UAS-raw; raw1/24B-gal4; raw1. (E) Bar chart showing that ectodermally, but not mesodermally, expressed raw suppressed dorsal open phenotype in raw mutants. Statistical analysis of the percentage of embryos with dorsal open phenotype in the indicated genetic background. Number of scored embryos for each genotype: raw1 (n = 544); 69B>raw; raw1 (n = 414); 24B>raw; raw1 (n = 324). Chi-square test, ** indicates p < 0.001. (F) UAS-raw/69B-gal. (G) UAS-raw- RNAi/24B-gal4. (H-K) Apoptosis phenotype revealed by AO staining. Ectodermally (H), but not mesodermally (I), expressed raw blocked cardial apoptosis (brackets) in raw mutants. raw-RNAi transgene driven by 69B-gal4 (J), but not 24B-gal4 (K), caused cardial apoptosis (brackets).

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