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Table 2 Circulating oxidative stress biomarkers and asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) and dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH)

From: Relationship between post-cardiac arrest myocardial oxidative stress and myocardial dysfunction in the rat



PR 2 h

PR 4 h

PR 72 h

(n = 8)

(n = 9)

(n = 6)

(n = 8)

Plasma hs-cTnT, ng/L

61 [20-91]

3732 [3277-6218]**

3469 [2428-4930]*

44 [39-1610]

Plasma IsoP, pg/mL

235.6 ± 28.8

206.2 ± 14.9

306.6 ± 21.6*

216.6 ± 30.0

Plasma 8-OHG, pg/mL

742.9 ± 79.3

1044.5 ± 71.1*

914.9 ± 104.1

846.9 ± 14.7

Plasma GSH, μmol/mL

0.146 ± 0.030

0.099 ± 0.004

0.095 ± 0.013

0.136 ± 0.023

Plasma ADMA, μmol/L

0.767 ± 0.10

0.641 ± 0.07

0.468 ± 0.06*

0.601 ± 0.07

Myocardial ADMA, nmol/mg prot

0.083 ± 0.01

0.052 ± 0.01

0.043 ± 0.01

0.080 ± 0.02

Myocardial DDAH, nmol/mg prot

77.5 ± 12.7

73.5 ± 7.2

79.0 ± 10.4

90.0 ± 12.8

  1. PR, post resuscitation; 8-OHG, 8-hydroxyguanosine; hs-cTnT, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T; IsoP, isoprostanes; GSH, glutathione S-transferase.
  2. Parametric data are shown as mean ± SEM; Non-parametric data are shown as median [25-75 percentile].
  3. *p < 0.05 vs. Baseline; **p < 0.01 vs. Baseline.