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Table 1 Occurrence of contrast features from the model for malignancy prediction

From: Characterization of a murine xenograft model for contrast agent development in breast lesion malignancy assessment

Contrast features (Method)


Xenograft types Occurrence (frequency %)





MDA-MB 231



Molecular targeting contrast

CD31 (IHC)

5/5 (100 %)

6/6 (100 %)

0/11 (0 %)



5/5 (100 %)

6/6 (100 %)

0/11 (0 %)

Non-targeting contrast

Rim enhancement (DCE-MDCT)

11/11 (100 %)

11/12 (100 %)

2/23 (8.7 %)


Time-density curve


Washout T1/2 < 100 min (DCE-MDCT)

10/11 (90.9 %)

10/12 (83.3 %)

0/23 (0 %)

Endogenous contrast

Angular/ill-defined margin (grey scale US)

9/10 (90 %)

14/17 (82.4 %)

0/27 (0 %)


Angular/ill-defined margin (DCE-MDCT)

10/11 (90.9 %)

9/12 (75 %)

1/23 (4.3 %)




width/height > 2.2 (grey scale US)

10/10 (100 %)

17/17 (100 %)

0/27 (0 %)


Neovascular flow (color Doppler US)

1/10 (10 %)

3/17 (17.6 %)

0/27 (0 %)

  1. Occurrence = occurred number of specific type xenograft/total number of specific type xenograft; frequency % = occurred number of specific type xenograft/total number of specific type xenograft × 100 %