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Table 3 Overview of skeletal muscle deficits in intermittent claudication (IC) and critical limb ischemia (CLI)

From: Crossroads between peripheral atherosclerosis, western-type diet and skeletal muscle pathophysiology: emphasis on apolipoprotein E deficiency and peripheral arterial disease

Mild to Moderate Disease (IC)

Severe Disease - Critical Limb Ischemia

Oxidative stress mainly in type II fibres [6]

Oxidative stress in all fibre types [6, 27, 280]

↔/↓ capillary density, ↓ ABI (0.5–0.8)

[154, 163, 288]

↓↓ ABI (<0.4) [141]

↓ mitochondrial volume [163]

Mitochondriopathy [141]

↑ TGFβ1, desmin accumulation [150, 191]

↑↑ TGFβ1, collagen [133, 191]

↔/↓ myofibre CSA [10, 163]

Fibrosis, Fat accumulation, different myofibre sizes but ↓↓ CSA [27]

  1. Abbreviations and Symbols: ABI Ankle-Brachial Index, CLI Critical Limb Ischemia, CSA Cross Sectional Area, IC Intermittent Claudication, TGFβ-1 Transforming Growth Factor beta 1; ↑ increase, ↓ decrease, ↔ no change