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Table 9 Characteristics of brain donors with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) exposure stratified by the presence or absence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) from GEO database (GSE104687)

From: The functional roles of IGF-1 variants in the susceptibility and clinical outcomes of mild traumatic brain injury


Alzheimer’s diseasec (n = 14)

No Dementiac (n = 26)

Number of subjects



Gender: Female, no. (%)

8 (57.1)

7 (26.9)

Education (years) a

14.14 ± 3.74

14.58 ± 3.41

Age at death, no. (%)

 > 100

3 (21.4)

1 (3.8)


0 (0)

7 (26.9)


3 (21.4)

5 (19.2)


4 (28.6)

7 (26.9)


3 (21.4)

2 (7.7)


1 (7.1)

4 (15.4)

Number of TBIs, no. (%)


11 (78.6)

20 (76.9)


2 (14.3)

5 (19.2)


1 (7.1)

1 (3.8)

CERAD score b

2 [1~2.75]

1 [1~2]

BRAAK stage b

5 [3.25~6]

3 [1.25~4]

NIA Reagan b

2 [1~2.75]

1 [1~2]

APOE ε4 alleles, no. (%)


3 (21.4)

4 (15.4)


10 (71.4)

21 (80.8)


1 (7.1)

1 (3.8)

  1. amean ± standard deviation. bmedian [interquartile range]. CERAD Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease, NIA National Institute on Aging, APOE Apolipoprotein E. cThe diagnosis was based on the DSM IV clinical diagnosis