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Table 1 Current and potential treatments for HD

From: The regulatory roles of microRNAs toward pathogenesis and treatments in Huntington's disease

Current and potential treatments for HD

Current drugs

Working mechanisms


Tetrabenazine; Deutetrabenazine

VMAT2 inhibitors

[41, 5]

Tiapride; Haloperidol; Fluphenazine; Olanzapine; Risperidone

Dopamine receptor blockers

[42, 40]

Riluzole; Amantadine

Suppression of glutamate transmission

[8, 43]

Cell therapy

Cell replacement; Secretion of beneficial factors

[44, 44,45,46]

Gene therapy

Reduction of mutant HTT; Enhancement of cellular functions

[47, 47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55]