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Table 2 Baseline hemodynamic parameters in age-matched control, diabetic (DM), and insulin-treated diabetic (DMI) rats measured by Millar pressure-volume conductance catheter system.

From: Impairment of insulin-stimulated Akt/GLUT4 signaling is associated with cardiac contractile dysfunction and aggravates I/R injury in STZ-diabetic Rats


Control (n = 24)

DM (n = 28)

DMI (n = 21)

Heart rate (bpm)

392 ± 7

328 ± 8*(P < 0.01)

352 ± 8†(P < 0.05)

End-systolic volume (μL)

194 ± 16

183 ± 16

185 ± 14

End-diastolic volume (μL)

292 ± 19

256 ± 14

254 ± 15

Maximum pressure (mmHg)

110 ± 3.8

114 ± 3.8

127 ± 5.1†(P < 0.05)

Minimum pressure (mmHg)

2.49 ± 0.62

1.87 ± 0.26

3.22 ± 0.36†(P < 0.01)

End-systolic pressure (mmHg)

101 ± 3.9

109 ± 4.2

122 ± 5.4

End-diastolic pressure (mmHg)

5.66 ± 0.56

5 ± 0.32

6.81 ± 0.5†(P < 0.01)

Stroke volume (μL)

136 ± 12.5

118 ± 7.1

139 ± 7.8

Ejection fraction (%)

43.7 ± 3.14

44.5 ± 2.87

48.4 ± 2.38

Cardiac output (μL/min)

53,414 ± 5,133

38,810 ± 2,712*(P < 0.05)

48,765 ± 2,942†(P < 0.05)

Stroke work (mmHg*μL)

11,088 ± 1,837

9,073 ± 785

11,025 ± 824

Arterial elastance (mmHg/μL)

0.93 ± 0.12

1.03 ± 0.08

0.95 ± 0.07

End-systolic elastance (mmHg/μL)

0.94 ± 0.09

0.67 ± 0.07*(P < 0.05)

0.63 ± 0.05

dPdt max (mmHg/sec)

7,534 ± 460

7,773 ± 389

8,899 ± 388

dPdt min (mmHg/sec)

-8,192 ± 600

-7,144 ± 376

-7,960 ± 413

P@dPdt max (mmHg)

74 ± 3.7

75 ± 2.3

82 ± 2.7†(P < 0.05)

Tau_w (msec)

10.33 ± 0.35

12.13 ± 0.33*(P < 0.01)

11.344 ± 0.28

Tau_g (msec)

11.9 ± 0.36

14.76 ± 0.55*(P < 0.01)

14.68 ± 0.7

  1. Data are expressed as means ± SEM (*, vs. control; †, vs. DM). DM, STZ-diabetes; DMI, insulin-treated diabetes.