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Fig. 2 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 2

From: Recent advances in conventional and unconventional vesicular secretion pathways in the tumor microenvironment

Fig. 2

The conventional Rab-specific vesicle trafficking in cancer cells of TME. A wide variety of Rabs are responsible for specific trafficking routes including in endosome, exosome, recycling endosome and lysosome in TME. The specific Rab and its effector(s) regulate conventional secretory vesicle transport of different cargoes in cancer including A secretory proteins, B membrane proteins and C recycling proteins. The Rab-mediated transport of secretory proteins or integrins to the PM results in ECM remodeling, cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Some Rabs act as tumor suppressor-like proteins, such as Rab37. Rab37 mediates secretory proteins transport and exocytosis with the help of the vesicle-SNARE VAMP8. The secreted proteins include TIMP-1, TSP1, SFRP1 and sST2, which inhibit angiogenesis, cell motility and cancer stemness. Please see detailed descriptions about other Rabs in the main text

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