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Fig. 6 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 6

From: Circular RNA FEACR inhibits ferroptosis and alleviates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury by interacting with NAMPT

Fig. 6

FEACR regulates ferroptosis by the NAMPT-Sirt1-FOXO1 signaling pathway. a The protein level of Sirt1 after knockdown of NMAPT evaluated by Western blot. b Western blot was performed to test the protein level of Sirt1 upon overexpression of NAMPT. c Cardiomyocytes were infected with adenovirus harboring NAMPT or NC and then were treated with H/R. The expression levels of Sirt1 protein were determined by immunoblot. d The adenovirus harboring mouse NAMPT or NC was injected into the mouse and subjected to I/R. The expression levels of Sirt1 protein were determined by immunoblot. e Cardiomyocytes were transfected with si-Sirt or si-NC, and the levels of lipid ROS and MDA were measured. f The expression of ptgs2 mRNA was determined in Sirt1 overexpressed cardiomyocytes followed by H/R treatment. g The protein levels of Sirt1 and Ac-FOXO1 were determined by immunoblot in Sirt1-silenced cardiomyocytes. h The analysis of protein levels of Ac-FOXO1 was determined by immunoblot in NAMPT-overexpressing cardiomyocytes with H/R treatment. i Cardiomyocytes were infected with the adenovirus harboring FEACR or NC and then treated with H/R, the level of Sirt1 and Ac-FOXO1 was determined by immunoblot. a–d, g–i n = 3 biological repeats; e, f n = 5 biological repeats. Data were mean ± SD, and the P-value was calculated by One-way ANOVA. The experiment repeats three times

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