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Fig. 6 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 6

From: Endothelin-1 induces connective tissue growth factor expression in human lung fibroblasts by disrupting HDAC2/Sin3A/MeCP2 corepressor complex

Fig. 6

ET-1 treatment disrupted protein–protein interactions among HDAC2, Sin3A, and MeCP2 and induced dissociation of these corepressors from CTGF promoter region. Cells were stimulated with ET-1 for 20 min followed by the collection of lysates. Immunoprecipitation was then conducted with A HDAC2 (n = 5), B Sin3A (n = 5), or C MeCP2 (n = 4) antibodies. The protein–protein interaction among HDAC2, Sin3A, and MeCP2 was determined through Western blotting. D Schematic of the 550-bp ChIP primer located on the CTGF promoter. Cells were stimulated with ET-1 for 20 min, which was followed by ChIP assay. Nonimmune IgG was used as a negative control. Equal amounts of the soluble cross-linked chromatin present in each PCR were checked by the input (n = 5)

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