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Fig. 3 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 3

From: Fierce poison to others: the phenomenon of bacterial dependence on antibiotics

Fig. 3

Dependence to linezolid. A Depiction of the general components of a normal bacterial ribosome. B The mechanism of action of linezolid involves ribosome obstruction by interacting with the 50S and the cognate 23S rRNA. C Linezolid resistance mostly involves ribosome modifications both close and distal to the binding site such as 23S rRNA mutations or methylation, or mutations in proteins components of the 50S that preclude linezolid binding. D Dependence is setted by the development of linezolid-dependent ribosomes. These ribosomes possess some of the resistance mutations but possibly also undefined mutations or coexist with mutations in other bacterial components that render ribosomes unable to structure correctly in normal conditions. This impediment is amended by the interaction with linezolid in a matter that has not yet been defined (E)

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