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Fig. 7 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 7

From: Dengue virus pathogenesis and host molecular machineries

Fig. 7

DENV and host stress responses: A Alterations in translation processes result in the assembly of stress granules. However, DENV prevents stress granule assembly by interacting with various stress granule markers. TIA1 and TIAR interact with DENV NS3, while various proteins such as G3BP1, G3BP2, DDX6, Caprin1, and USP10 bind to DENV 3’UTR. Additionally, VCP1, together with NPL4, forms a complex with DENV NS4B. These interactomes colocalize and participate in DENV replication [55,56,57]. B During DENV infection, Angiogenin levels have been found to be enhanced compared to uninfected controls. The upregulated Angiogenin may play a crucial role in various processes, including immune modulation, angiogenesis, tRNA fragmentation, and ER stress, among others [116]

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