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Fig. 2 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 2

From: Membrane lipid remodeling eradicates Helicobacter pylori by manipulating the cholesteryl 6'-acylglucoside biosynthesis

Fig. 2

Acyl chains of CAGs affected membrane fluidity in AGS cells. A Representative images were collected from the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). AGS cells were treated with different CAGs or DMSO (control) and labeled with Alexa Fluor 594-conjugated CT-b (red fluorescence). A region of interest with a 3.0 μm diameter (arrow) was photobleached with intense lesser pulses at 595 nm and the recovery of fluorescence was recorded at 20 s intervals. Scale Bar: 5 mm. B Comparisons of the mobile fractions (Mf) for CAGs and CG. \({M}_{f}\) is calculated by \({[(F}_{\mu }- {F}_{0})/ {(F}_{Pre}- {F}_{0})]\). \({F}_{\mu }, {F}_{0} \hspace{1 mm} {{\text{and}} \hspace{1 mm} F}_{Pre}\) are designated as post-bleach steady state, initial post-bleach, and pre-bleach fluorescent intensities, respectively. The values are means and standard deviations of five independent experiments. Statistical analysis employed the Student's t-test compared to the DMSO control group, and only groups showing significance were identified. Statistically significant levels are indicated by asterisks, with *p < 0.05

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