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Fig. 5 | Journal of Biomedical Science

Fig. 5

From: Campylobacter jejuni virulence factors: update on emerging issues and trends

Fig. 5

A summary of the progress in vaccine development for C. jejuni. Development of a CPS-based vaccine for human use required synthesis of CPS repeating unit 1 and involved trials of a conjugate CPS-CRM vaccine. The CPS-CRM vaccine has shown promise in animal models, with ALFQ as the preferred adjuvant. OMVs have also recently emerged as a suitable vaccine candidate, showing promise in a mouse model. However, further safety testing is required due to the presence of LOS within the OMVs. Efforts have also been directed towards development of a C. jejuni vaccine for use in chickens to limit C. jejuni colonisation and subsequent transmission to humans. This approach lead to the identification of conserved proteins FliD, PldA, BtuB and CdtB as vaccine antigen candidates. Finally, a reverse vaccinology approach, which includes bioinformatics analysis of sequence conservation, subcellular localisation and predicted immunogenicity, has pinpointed 4 new vaccine candidates, which showed promise in both mouse and chicken trials

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